
Red Roll is a music news and editorial publication website based out of Chicago that covers concerts and music festivals around the Midwest, as well as other music based news. We have been around for about 4 years now and have covered major music festivals such as Electric Forest, Spring Awakening, North Coast, as well as countless concerts. If you’ve ever wanted to attend concerts & music festivals for free and write reviews, or interview your favorite artists, Red Roll is a great way to get your foot in the door!

We are looking for dedicated journalists to write weekly articles for our website, as well as attend and write reviews of various music events around Chicago and the Midwest. Red Roll is a growing website, and we are looking for individuals that have a positive mindset and progressive ideas to help grow our website into something substantial. This job isn’t for everyone, only those that see potential in our website.

This internship is virtual and will require at least 1 article per week. We understand everyone has busy lives, so we try to make it as easy as possible for our interns to write for us while attending school or a second job.

This internship is a 6 month unpaid program, and we will evaluate your performance after the 6 month period and may extend an offer to be hired on as a paid writer if you made a substantial impact on our website.

Looking for college credit? We can help with that! We have had two journalists receive credit for their internship with Red Roll.

Does this sound like a great opportunity? Do you have that passion for music that we’re looking for? Then apply! We’d sure love to have you on the team. At this time, we are looking for writers who are knowledgeable on one of the following genres: EDM Journalist, Rap/Hip-Hop Journalist, Pop Journalist, Alternative Journalist

Please include a writing sample with a few paragraphs about your favorite music genre(s) and artists, and why you like them. Please be detailed/descriptive!


  • Writers must submit at least 1 article per week.
    • Topics are not assigned and writers will be responsible for brainstorming and writing about whatever they feel passionate about that week.
  • Proofreading both hard and electronic files, advanced copyediting.
  • Work on special projects, as needed


  • Working towards a Bachelor’s degree in journalism, public relations, English, business communications, or communication arts. This is optional ONLY IF skills are outstanding.
  • Strong organizational and communication skills with keen attention to detail and problem solving skills • Must be somewhat technology efficient, as articles will be submitted via our WordPress website