Career Spotlight: Carle Clayburgh, Artist Liaison at Avalon Hollywood
Today for the career spotlight we have Carle Clayburgh, the Artist Liaison at Avalon Hollywood. Claybaugh credits “a lot of hard work and nights of lost sleep” to getting her to where she is today. She has a collective of 10 years AR work with Insomniac Festivals, Coachella and Guerrilla Union Festivals. If you are looking to work at Avalon, be sure to check out all open positions Here.
When did you realize that you wanted a career in the music industry?
At my first concert attendance (Bad Religion, summer 1998)
How did you work your way up to the position you currently have with Avalon?
I started out at the venue (Avalon) as a ticket taker, then cashier, then guest list check in, then stage list check in. Simultaneously putting myself through college and working several credential check in’s for festivals.
What does your position at Avalon entail?
Process contracts, signatures, tax information and wire transfers for all performing artists. Advance weekly show requirements for tech and hospitality, liaise with artist, agents and artist management. Provide weekly ticket count requests to agents and artist management
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
There is a moment at every show I work, where I get to stop and take in the energy and excitement of the night, and know that I had a part in making that happen.
Least favorite aspect?
Miscommunication which eventually leads to unrealistic expectations and eventual disappointment.
If you could change one part about the work you do, what would it be?
I would like everyone to do their own part and accept responsibility for their actions, so that I have less messes to clean up.
Is there anything you do for work on a daily basis others might be surprised about?
80% of the work I do is in an office/online prepping for the weekend events.
How do you feel working in the music industry differs from other industries?
I think its a special thing, a tight community of artists trying to get their creative ideas out there, and the people who support them helping make their dreams come true. There is a sense of family in the industry, and I’m lucky to call most of the artist that play at my venue my friends. So its pretty cool that “to come to work” is really to throw a party with your friends.
Is working in the music industry as cut-throat and challenging as many people make it out to be?
Yes, don’t take for granted the hard fact that there will always be someone younger and hungrier who is thirsting for your job and will work just as hard as you for less money. So please don’t think you are irreplaceable.
Do you have any advice for those trying to find a career path in the music realm?
I guess I would say, don’t get caught up in it, remember who you are and where you came from before you go thinking you’re too cool for school. Build your reputation on being honest, trustworthy, fair and kind, and try your best in the midst of the most stressful moments to see the bigger picture, pick your battles and don’t sweat the small stuff
Is there anything else you would like to add? Tips, thoughts, feelings, songs, etc
You live, you learn
A big thank you to Carle Clayburgh for taking the time to share her EDMJob with us in this Career Spotlight. If you’re interested to work at Avalon be sure to check out the Graphic Designer position here, and follow us on Facebook!