Career Spotlight: Musician/Dj’s Pillowtalk
PillowTalk has been traveling and producing together non-stop since 2010. With consistently amazing releases and global demand, it’s clear their momentum isn’t going to let up anytime in the foreseeable future . Our friends from On&On caught up with PillowTalk, for On&On’s next installment of Free Your Inhibitions.
At what point in your career as a Artists, did you realize that you were “All In”.
The point in which we realized we could quit our day jobs to just focus on music was when we released on Visionquest + Life and Death. Those are such influential labels to break out of the gate with.
What time of music did you listen to growing up?
We all grew up on a healthy dose of hip hop, r&b, new wave, rock, soul and early electronic.
If you could remix one of those artists music, and play with them, who would it be?
We all have a healthy obsession with Arther Russell.
What is your ideal set length, and what’s the longest set you’ve played?
About an hour for our live set. We have done 1hr and 30min depending on how many encores the crowd wants.
What’s the best sound system you’ve ever heard?
In a club setting we would have to say Berghain. Festival setting would have to be the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury.
Where’s the best sound system you’ve ever played on?
Main stage at Fabric London
Can you describe how your style of music sounds? (For context, it’s 5AM, and you are playing a warm open air venue. There is an amazing sound system, and 1500 or your biggest fans)
Its very organic sounding. Lush and beautiful. We tend to structure our music around a vocals and a strong sense of story. We play off the crowd so its mostly give and take.
What’s the most memorable set you’ve heard in the last few months?
Hercules and Love Affair played an amazing set a the Wonderfruit Festival in Thailand. Wonderful showmanship on the part of their lead singers.
How long do you see yourself performing and Djing for “Professionally”.
This is an impossible question to answer. Really depends on our health I would say.
If you could go to space and return, how long would you stay for, who would you bring,
and where would you go?
We would travel to the moons of Uranus enter the black hole and stay for a hot minute. We would bring our in-laws and leave them there.
What do you think about On&On?
We all need to sleep eventually but it’s a challenging concept for sure. (We love a great cause and challenge!)
A Big Thank You to PillowTalk for taking the time to connect with us for this installment of F.Y.I. Come listen to the guys play a Live set at Public Works with Rob Garza (Thievery Corporation) this Friday, March 6, 2015. Discount Pre-sales Here.
PillowTalk For more information on upcoming events check out OnOnSF.com, and Follow us on: