Career Spotlight: Co-Founder/President – Ryan Botwinick
Today’s Career Spotlight we feature Ryan Botwinick, the President of Dance Tonight and Co-Founder of ROLLINGTUFF.com . If you are looking to work at DanceTonight, be sure to check out all open positions Here.
Who are you and what is your background?
My name is Ryan Botwinick and I am the President of Dance Tonight App and co-founder of ROLLINGTUFF.com. I am 29 years old and born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I went to College in Colorado and spent a year in the South of Spain, and that is where I fell in love with proper House Music.
How did you get to where you are now?
Life in general is unpredictable and constantly changing. After College I started my own waste removal company, grew it, and was acquired. I was living in Venice Beach, CA with three of my best friends (one lived on the couch) and it was a really fun time in my life. We worked hard and partied hard too, it was a Tuff life as we would call it, but from there we came up with the idea for ROLLINGTUFF. As the blog grew so did our musical tastes and Los Angeles was just waiting to get educated by European influencers. As time went on, our group of friends became tastemakers and I met more and more people within the industry. I then went out and got my California Real Estate Brokers License and started buying multi-family buildings for a private portfolio of investors. Although I was making good money, I just wasn’t excited about waking up and doing a job that didn’t fulfill me, so I continued to focus on the website and turned it into a small consulting company for clubs here in Los Angeles. We also started throwing our own parties that became synonymous with “proper Techno and House” music. From there me and my team found ourselves working within the music industry and I fell in love with the lifestyle and the passion everyone had for the music.
When did you realize that you wanted a career in the music industry?
Honestly, I’m not 100% sure when I realized it, but it was probably when I got tired of waiting in lines and paying for tickets to shows every weekend lol. No, really it was probably when my partner in ROLLINGTUFF took a job at Liaison Artists Agency in San Francisco and really opened up my eyes to the inside world of the music industry. The Liaison family took me in and I can honestly say they showed me the way. Because of them, I connected with people, made international friendships and saw that you can make a living doing what you love.
How did you work your way up to the position you currently have with DanceTonight App?
I have been recently hired as the new President of Dance Tonight App because of my history running ROLLINGTUFF, the relationships I have made within the industry and a little bit of luck. I have a diverse business background and just kept my options open until I came upon the right job. People knew I was looking to make a career change, but it was just a matter of finding the right move, and staying well liked and relevant within the industry helped pave my way to this position. I was lucky to have people looking out for me and teaching me the proper way to act in certain situations.
What does your President position at Dance Tonight App entail?
To work hand in hand with our stellar team and create a direction and execute along side our CEO, Scott London. As President, it is my job to create the brand and vision for the company so we can tell a story though our platform and create something that people want to be apart of. I am fortunate to have a team that understands the music space and are at the forefront of the technology world too. Our CEO has immense experience building global brands and likes the same music as me too, it’s a dream come true for anyone in my position.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
Providing a tool that makes every music lover’s night easier. Its simple in principle, but we are the first ones to do it on a worldwide scale. Its exciting just to be apart of this process and to see people benefiting from our product. Seeing satisfied users is my favorite aspect of my job, that and the fact that I am constantly learning new things. You have to stay relevant. This is why its so amazing working in the technology space too, we will be constantly updating our app to make it more convenient for the user, providing services that are made easy to use from your mobile device.
The lack of sleep I get being in the music industry. Its 24/7, and that’s just something that you have to get use too if you choose this lifestyle and career path.
If you could change one part about the work you do, what would it be?
Not go out as much… But that’s not going to happen.
Is there anything you do for work on a daily basis others might be surprised about?
I’m constantly asking questions. There is a lot of knowledge that my team members have acquired over their years in business and sometimes as a leader you need to take suggestions and realize when others have the right ideas…That’s why you work as a team.
How do you feel working in the music industry differs from other industries?
Again, the lack of sleep and regular work hours, lol. Its fast pace and always changing, the goal is to stay a step ahead.
Is working in the music industry as cut-throat and challenging as many people make it out to be?
Yes it is, politics play a huge role in the outcome of someone’s successes or failures.
Do you have any advice for those trying to find a career path in the music realm?
Just keep working hard because people recognize good work ethic and you never know who is looking to hire and when. People are constantly taking mental notes and you want to leave a lasting positive impression. Also, don’t be afraid to start at the bottom and work your way up.
Favorite Artists, maybe you want to check them out:
Tale of Us, Dixon, Sante, Maya Jane Coles, Ten Walls, David August, Claptone, Maceo Plex…. I’m a Techno guy.
A big thank you to Ryan Botwinick for taking the time to share his EDMJob(s) with us in this Career Spotlight. If you’re interested to work at Dance Tonight in Ibiza be sure to check out the open position here, and follow us on Facebook!