Career Spotlight: Silvana Marie, Founder/Artist Manager at We Run Society, Label Manager at Cult 222, and Artist Relations at Trapstyle
Today’s Career Spotlight we feature Silvana Marie, Founder/Artist Manager at We Run Society. If you are looking for work in the industry, be sure to check out all open positions Here.
Who are you and what is your background?
My Name is Silvana Marie. I’m the Founder/Artist Manger of We Run Society. I also hold an artist relations position at Trap Style, and I manage a label called Cult 222.
I started going to parties in Los Angeles when I was 16 years old. A little bit after that I started promoting and throwing these house parties. After a year or so of promoting house parties I started working with clubs. I promoted club events and I also started managing DJ’s and producers at the same time. This was all before I was even in college. I went to college shortly after and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Music Business.
How did you get to where you are now?
No sleep and lots of coffee!
When did you realize that you wanted a career in the music industry?
When I was 16 years old I was able to attend Electric Daisy Carnival. This was the last year (2010) that EDC was in LA. I remember seeing the Insomniac team running about thinking, “man this would be a really cool job. How can I get involved?”
What does your Founder/Manager position at We Run Society entail?
The founder position means I over see everything that has to do with WRS. The manager Position entails my manager duties to the artists on my roster. Management means we run artist’s careers. I’m involved with every single thing that has to do with artists on my roster. I’m a planner, adviser, organizer, strategist, overseer, coordinator, travel companion and friend.
You are also involved with the Cult 222 label. Can you tell us more about who they are and what you do for them?
Cult 222 is still very new for me. They started out artist operated for a short amount of time. I can’t say much at the moment, but what I can say is we will be having a relaunch of the label very soon and the artist who started Cult 222 is someone I’m working with that hasn’t been announced yet!
Being a hard worker means you do what needs to get done, seamlessly and flawlessly. Yet it seems with all the hard work you put into Cult222 and We Run Society, you still have time to work with Trapstyle. Trapstyle has over a million followers combined on your social platforms. You personally oversee the artist relations side of the business. Can you fill us in on what that entails?
Cult 222 actually came after Trapstyle, but yes I do have my hands in a few things. My job with TS is to develop and maintain relationships between TS and artists we cover. I make sure our releases are running smooth and to ensure that the artist and his/her team are happy with the release.
What are your favorite aspects of your job?
My Favorite aspect is taking an idea or a vision and making it come to life. Nothing is more fulfilling than that. I love taking a talented individual and developing his/her image to the world. I also love being in the studio. I’m there as much as I can be. I really like being a part of the creative process, and sometimes I spend days at a time in a studio working with an artist.
What is your least favorite aspect?
The politics involved with our industry. I wish our gigs were just about amazing music without all the political garbage that comes with the music business.
Is there anything you do for work on a daily basis others might be surprised about?
I help out a lot of younger producers who are just getting into the music industry. I give them advice and I do a lot of Skype sessions with them to talk about their branding and music. I help mold them as much as I can and I love teaching them about the business side as well.
Is working in the music industry as cut-throat and challenging as many people make it out to be?
Unfortunately yes it is, but if you love something and you love what you do no matter what challenges you face you have so much love for it you keep pushing and make things happen!
If you could change one part about the work you do, what would it be?
Sexism. Working in the industry is challenging enough, but being a female in the industry is a whole other world. It would be great if gender wasn’t an issue and it was more based off hard work and results.
Do you have any advice for those trying to find a career path in the music realm?
Listen. Listening is the most important skill one can have in our career so listen to those around you and learn. Don’t be scared to be creative and think outside the box. Stay positive, and never give up on something you want.
Is there anything you do outside of work that people might be surprised about?
Before I made management a full time career I was working a full time day job, 40 hours a week to pay the bills, while still maintaining my career in the industry. At the time I was running a label and providing artist management.
Is there anything else you would like to add? Tips, thoughts, feelings, songs, etc?
Work hard, stay humble, and read Donald S. Passman’s book called “All you need to know about the music business.”
A big thank you to Silvana Marie for taking the time to share her EDMJob with us in this Career Spotlight. If you are interested in a job in the industry, check out EDMJobs.com and follow us on Facebook!