I am a dj and producer when it comes to my hobbies and dreams of what could come in the future, but at the moment I’m working on building my self into a very strong and well rounded artist. Thats why I have really tried to explore all and every option, on this website and I believe there is a lot I can do when it comes to the world of EDM and what it has to offer. I went to the University of Colorado at Boulder and majored in film production and finished in may of 2014. I am very strong in the the skills of anything and everything to do with design and computers, whether it be web design or film editing or music production. I also have a lot of friends via social media like facebook etc, so I believe spreading awareness about shows and upcoming festivals and artists would be a very positive thing for my self.
- ableton live skills
- adobe premiere skills
- affiliate marketing skills
- computer skills
- creative skills
- djing skills
- dreamweaver skills
- film editing skills
- film producing skills
- final cut skills
- good music taste skills
- good with computer software skills
- lots of social media friends skills
- music production skills
- photography skills
- popular music taste skills
- social media skills
- traktor kontrol skills
- web design skills
- wordpress skills
University of Colorado at Boulder class of 14"
- june 2010/may 2014 film production bachelors degree